Case Study

Ampd's Conversion-Based Smart Bidding Improves Performance by 45%

Intentionally Bare Leverages Ampd's Predictive Bidding for Improved Google to Amazon Performance.


Intentionally Bare, a company specializing in Keto Health Products, recognized the necessity of expanding their marketing beyond just Amazon Ads. Seeking to tap into the extensive pool of potential customers seeking products like theirs on Google, Intentionally Bare strategically partnered with Ampd to expand its market mix by driving external traffic to Amazon.


Enter Ampd + Proprietary Bid Strategy

Due to Amazon’s privacy policies that prevent the sharing of conversion data with Google, brands have found themselves unable to utilize TROAS or Maximize for Conversion bidding strategies from Google Ads, when using Google Ads to drive traffic to Amazon. Ampd understood this challenge and responded by developing the first ever, proprietary bidding algorithm specifically for Google Ads to Amazon campaigns, that align with Amazon's policies. This proprietary algorithm enables brands to automate their bidding process by setting targets for essential metrics such as cost, revenue, and ROAS. Ampd’s Predictive Bidding technology then dynamically adjusts bids to ensure these targets are consistently met. With this innovation, brands can optimize their Google Ads campaigns to drive better results on Amazon, all while respecting privacy constraints and maintaining high-performance standards.


While standard bidding was producing decent results, the precision of Ampd's Predictive Bidding revealed that the standard bid strategy was overpaying for clicks. 

After switching away from manual bidding and over to Ampd bidding, the brand was able to significantly improve campaign efficiency. The precise, intelligent bidding delivered 51% lower CPCs and 45% improvement in ROAS, without sacrificing impression share or revenue.



Lower CPCs


ROAS improvement

“Ampd’s technology turned our Google traffic into valuable Amazon sales. Their bidding algorithm made a significant impact in helping our campaigns progress in the right direction, helping us grow conversions and revenue.”

- Don Deley - Co-Founder, Intentionally Bare